Game Changer Stamp

Rebuilding Blocks: How Block Puzzle Became Profitable Within a Month

In this article, you will learn how we managed to create a success story in this highly saturated genre where CPIs have significantly increased and competition is at its peak.

Block Puzzle was an inactive game that had been sitting without updates for months in the account of our partner studio, Genix Lab. After analyzing the game, our product team determined that it had high potential to be profitable. To take the game to the next level, the product team shared a detailed list with the studio, outlining every step of the process from A to Z, including actions to be taken on the game, SDKs to be integrated, and store visuals.We embarked on our journey, guided by this comprehensive roadmap.

Next, for user acquisition (UA) and monetization, we conducted campaign activities and made necessary optimizations on channels that we identified would perform better for this game, beyond mainstream channels like Facebook and TikTok.

As a result, the game we began working on in February became profitable by March. As depicted in the graph below, it continues to show a steady upward trend month over month. The game's profitability has significantly increased in parallel with the rise in ad revenue.

In summary, selecting the right game, identifying the necessary improvements for the game, and subsequently carrying out the right UA and monetization activities enabled us to create a new success story with Genix Lab.

If you also have a puzzle game, you can contact us on the Game Changer page and take the first step towards creating a new success story with us.